Privacy policy

A. General

We understand that your trust in us is our most important asset online. In order to preserve that trust, we made the protection of the privacy of all site visitors and customers of (hereafter referred to as the “Site”) our priority. This privacy policy applies to the Site, run by FANSHOPS.BE PCLL (hereafter referred to as “we” or “our”). We want to stress out that we act at all times in accordance to the Belgian Privacy Act of 8 December 1992 regarding the protection of privacy in relation to the processing of personal data.

We may change, supplement or amend this privacy policy as it relates to any future use of the Site from time to time and for any reason. Any change will be announced on the Site and/or via email and the new privacy policy shall enter into force thirty (30) days after the announcement. This privacy policy was last modified on 05/03/2014.

To learn more about the way in which personal data are collected and processed on this Site, you need to read the privacy policy.

This privacy policy must be read together with our privacy disclaimer

B. Processing of personal data

By using this Site and/or communicating your personal information, you automatically agree with the manner in which we collect and process personal data, as described in this privacy policy.

  • Types of personal data: By means of this Site your name, address and email will be gathered, when placing an order, when filling out a contact form, or when registering for the newsletter.

Like many other web sites, the Site automatically collects certain technical information regarding its visitors, such as the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the visitor’s computer, the IP address of the Internet Service Provider, the date and time the visitor accessed the Site, the Internet address of the web site from which the visitor linked directly to the Site, the operating system used by the visitor, the sections of the Site visited, the Site pages accessed and information viewed, and the materials posted to or downloaded from the Site. This technical information is used for the Site’s needs, system administration purposes and to improve the Site.

  • Manner in which the information is being collected: The Site can be visited without submitting any personal information. Personal data is only captured when you create a customer account, when filling out a contact form, when placing an order or when you register for our newsletter and thus specifically and voluntarily provided by you.

  • Information use: We use your personal data only to, respectively, provide the requested information, send the requested newsletters and execute your order. After you placed an order, we can also use your email for our own advertisement purposes (announcing new products, special offers or news updates).

When you no longer want to receive our newsletter or information about our products and services, you can at any time unsubscribe by clicking on “unsubscribe” at the bottom of your email or by adjusting your personal account on the Site.

  • Disclosure of information to third parties: No information about our visitors will be disclosed to third parties except where it is required to provide a service to you (e.g. to deliver products to you, to perform credit and certain security checks). Nevertheless we have the right to transfer your personal data to the competent authorities at their explicit request.

The data can also be processed by us in a country outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

You should also note that the data that is posted by you on public places such as but not limited to comments on the discussion forum or customer reviews, can be consulted by everyone.

C. Use of email address

Your email address will only be used for the above purposes. Under no circumstances your email address, username or passwords will be sold or rented to third parties. If you wish to no longer receive any newsletters or information about our products and services you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the button "unsubscribe", provided at the bottom of each email of FANSHOPS.BE.

D. Rights of the visitor

You have the right to consult your data and to ask us, without any cost, about the kind of personal data we have about you, and if necessary to correct these data free of charge. You can exercise this right by contacting us via the contact details as set out below, on the condition that you adequately identify yourself. In addition, you also have the right at your request and free of charge to oppose to the intended processing of your personal data, when the processing is done for the purposes of direct marketing.

E. Security

We maintain strict policies and security controls to assure that visitor information in our computer systems and files is protected. Our employees are permitted access only to visitor’s information that they may need to perform their jobs and to provide service to you. All employees and affiliates are required to respect visitor privacy. We make all reasonable efforts to keep our servers, applications and databases secure and free from unauthorized access and use, by using physical, administrative and technological measure to protect the information maintained. Unfortunately, no one can guarantee 100% security. In case of particular security concerns about certain personal information, it is up to the visitor to decide not to transmit that information over the Internet.

F. Contact

We are responsible for the processing of your personal data and shall ensure the confidentiality and security of these data. In case of questions, please contact:


Nederstraat 18

3545 Halen


G. Filing a complaint

A customer always has the right to lodge a complaint with the Belgian Data Protection Authority If he/she believes that his/her right to the protection of his/her personal data has been violated. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority (GBA) at the following addresses:

Data Protection Authority
Press Street 35
1000 Brussels
+32 (0)2 274 48 00 +32 (0)2 274 48 35
This is without prejudice to a remedy before a civil court. If You should suffer damage as a result of the processing of Your personal data, You may bring a claim for claim for damages.

H. Legal grounds for data processing

We collect personal data on the legal basis of consent. FANSHOPS.BE obtains unambiguous and explicit consent from the data subject. Google V2 consent mode.