Cookies Policy

Last revised: 06/09/2024

We use cookies to give you the best possible service on our site. By continuing to use this site, you consent to our use of cookies. Cookies are small pieces of data, that are sent from our website and that are stored in your web browser. Cookies contain information that we use to process your order and improve our web services.

Below are the different types of cookies we use on our site:

A. What are Cookies?

In order to make our Website easier to use and navigate, we sometimes place small data files on your computer or mobile device. These are known as cookies. They enable our Website to store a user’s configuration and preferences (e.g. login credentials, language preference, font size, display settings, etc.) over a certain period, so you do not have to keep re-entering information whenever you revisit our Website or browse between pages.

In most cases, websites will use cookies to improve your user experience by allowing that website to “remember” you, either for the duration of your visit (“session cookies”) or for repeat visits (“persistent cookies”).

Cookies serve various purposes, like allowing you to navigate efficiently between pages, storing your individual preferences, remembering your shopping cart and generally improving your experience on our Website. Furthermore, cookies make your interaction with our Website easier and faster. Without their use, our Website would consider you a new visitor every time you move to another page (for example, when you are logged in and move to another page, it would not recognize you and you would have to re-enter your login details).

Most browsers are set to accept cookies automatically. Nonetheless, if you wish, you can block or delete cookies (for details see section C). However, if you do so, some parts and/or functionalities of our Website may no longer work properly.

B. Which Cookies are used?

Cookies may originate from two different sources. They are either directly set and used by us (“first party cookies”) or they may be set and used by third parties (“third party cookies”). Third party cookies may “follow” you through various websites and for a longer period. Parties placing these cookies may be suppliers with whom we cooperate to deliver our Website, companies that participate with us in affiliate marketing programs and other parties. For example, social media cookies (such as YouTube or Facebook cookies) that collect information about social media usage. We use social media cookies to integrate social media sharing tools into our Website and to measure the effectiveness of these sharing tools. We use third party cookies to help us analyze our Website and its use, and to enable tailored advertising.
Our Website uses two types of cookies, depending on their functionalities and purpose:
Essential cookies – These cookies ensure a correct functioning of our Website and its services. Without those cookies, our Website may lose certain functionalities.

Name Type Description Retention Period
__cfduid First party cookie (host: Cookie used by the content network “Cloudflare”, to identify trusted web traffic. The cookie enables website availability and decreases page load times. 1 year
dwanonymous_xxxxxxxx First party cookie (host: Cookie used by the Website, in order to ensure that the visitor’s information is not abused or used by any other than the rightful visitor. It is a secure session token cookie for managing session state over a secure connection. 6 months
dwsecuretoken_xxxx xxxx First party cookie (host: Cookie containing a specific ID in order to distinguish visitors. The information allows the Website to remember the visitor’s preferences, settings and facilitates the functionality of the shopping basket. Session
dwcustomer_* First party cookie (host: Cookie used to identify a registered visitor/shopper. This cookie is only used if the visitor/shopper selects “Remember Me”. 6 months
dwsid First party cookie (host: Cookie used to preserve user states across page requests. Session
cookiesAccepted First party cookie (host: Cookie to identify that the Cookie Policy has been accepted by the user. 1 year
_dc_gtm_UA-* First party cookie (host: Cookie used by Google Tag Manager to control the loading of a Google Analytics script tag. 1 day
sid First party cookie (host: Cookie used to preserve user states across page requests. Session
dw_dnt First party cookie (host: Cookie used to control JavaScript for Commerce Cloud tracking features. Session
__cq_dnt First party cookie (host: Cookie used to indicate that browser has opted out of Commerce Cloud Einstein. Session
cc_essential First party cookie (host: Cookie used to remember what types of cookies were accepted by the user via the cookies consent pop-up. 5 years
cc_analytics First party cookie (host: Cookie used to remember what types of cookies were accepted by the user via the cookies consent pop-up. 5 years

Analytics cookies or similar technologies – These cookies collect information about your use of our Website and enable us to improve the way it works. Analytics cookies show us which are the most frequently visited pages, help us record any difficulties you have and show us whether our advertising is effective or not. This allows us to see the overall patterns of usage of our Website, rather than the usage of a single person. We use the information in aggregated form to analyze Website traffic and perform statistical analyses of the collective characteristics and behavior of Website visitors by measuring demographics and interests regarding specific areas of our Website. We also use Google Analytics, which uses cookies and similar technologies to collect and analyze information about use of our services and report on activities and trends. This information allows us to measure Website performance and improve our services. This service may also collect information regarding the use of other websites, apps and online resources.

Name Type Description Retention Period
__cq_seg First party cookie (host: Cookie containing segmented information used to provide a personalized search. 1 month
__cqact First party cookie (host: Cookie used to hold the queue of browser activities until they are sent. Session
__cqsviews First party cookie (host: Cookie used to store the products in the most recent search results until they are sent. Session
__cqcviews First party cookie (host: Cookie used to store the products in the most recent viewed category page until they are sent. Session
__cqviews First party cookie (host: Cookie used to store the anchor products for recommendations on a page. Session
_gat_UA-XXXXXXXX-XX First party cookie (host: Cookie used by Google Analytics to limit the amount of data recorded by Google on high traffic volume websites. 1 day
_ga First party cookie (host: Cookie used to register a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the Website. 2 years
__cq_uuid First party cookie (host: Cookie used to measure and improve performance of the Website and support personalization of the Website content. 1 year
__cq_bc First party cookie (host: Cookie used to measure and improve performance of the Website and support personalization of the Website content. 29 days
cqcid First party cookie (host: Cookie used to measure and improve performance of the Website and support personalization of the Website content. Session
__cq_bc First party cookie (host: Cookie used to store activity history, such as the last 10 products used by the shopper. 1 month
__cq_seg First party cookie (host: Cookie used to store inferred shopping propensity attributes and other segment attributes. 29 days
cq First party cookie (host: Cookie used to test whether sessionStorage is available. Session
cq.anchor First party cookie (host: Cookie used to store anchor product IDs. Session
cq.viewReco First party cookie (host: Cookie used to store the most recently viewed recommendations. Session
cq.viewSearch First party cookie (host: Cookie used to store products from the most recent search results. Session
cq.viewCategory First party cookie (host: Cookie used to store the most recently viewed category page. Session
_gid First party cookie (host: Cookie used to register a unique ID that generates statistical data on how the visitor uses the Website. 1 day
dwac_* Third party cookie (host:, privacy policy) Cookie used to store data for analytic purposes. Session
dwpersonalization_* First party cookie (host: Cookie used to track the user’s participation in A/B test groups for analytic purposes. Session
dwsourcecode_* First party cookie (host: Cookie used to store the source code for campaigns and affiliated tracking. Session
__utma Third party cookie (host:, privacy policy) Cookie used by Google to ensure subsequent visits to the Website are recorded as belonging to the same (unique) visitor. 2 years
__utmb Third party cookie (host:, privacy policy) Cookie used by Google to record a timestamp of the exact moment a visitor enters the Website. 30 minutes
__utmc Third party cookie (host:, privacy policy) Cookie used by Google to record a timestamp of the exact moment a visitor leaves the Website. Session
__utmz Third party cookie (host:, privacy policy) Cookie used by Google to keep track of where a visitor came from, what search engine was used, what keywords were used and from where in the world the Website was visited. 6 months
__utmv Third party cookie (host:, privacy policy) Cookie used by Google relating to custom reporting segments. 2 years
collect Third party pixel (host:, privacy policy) Pixel used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor’s device and behavior and track the visitor across devices and marketing channels. Session
s Third party cookie (host:, privacy policy) Cookie used by Google to set a unique ID for the session that allows the website to obtain data on visitor behavior for statistical purposes. Session
__Analytics-Start First party cookie (host: Cookie set to determine the time and frequencies of visitor data synchronization. Cookie data synchronization is used to synchronize and gather visitor data from several websites. Session
_gat First party cookie (host: Cookie used by Google Analytics to throttle request rate 1 day
igodigitaltc2 Third party cookie (host: This cookie contains the user's unique user identifier 10 years
igodigitalst_510003104 Third party cookie (host: This cookie contains the user's unique session identifier 1 hour
igodigitalstdomain Third party cookie (host: This cookie contains a website identifier 1 hour

In addition, it may occur that our Website uses other cookies and similar technologies to facilitate the following services:

  • Google Analytics - To measure and analyze the use of our Website (privacy policy, opt-out).
  • Youtube – To measure the behavior of YouTube users (privacy policy).
  • Vimeo – To measure the behavior of Vimeo users (privacy policy).
  • Facebook – To provide us with statistics and insights on your use of our company page on Facebook (privacy policy). Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information (“Uses and Disclosures in connection with Facebook”).

C. How can I manage my cookie preferences?

We advise you to allow the use of cookies and similar technologies in order for your browser to work properly and to optimize the use of our Website. However, if you do not feel comfortable with their use, it is possible to opt-out and prevent your browser from recording them. Be aware that blocking or deleting cookies could result in you being unable to access some areas of our Website or may cause some of the features to function improperly.

The first time you visit our Website, you can submit your cookie preferences by clicking on “more info” when the cookie banner pops up. You are then redirected to a screen where you can indicate your preferences accordingly. If you wish to change your preferences at a later stage, you can do so here or under ‘cookies settings’ on the home page.

You can also adapt your cookie preferences through your standard browser settings. How you can do this varies from browser to browser:

D. Changes to this Cookie Policy

We may change our Cookie Policy from time to time, to keep it updated or to comply with legal, business or technical requirements. Please see the “LAST REVISED” legend, displayed at the top of this page to see when the Policy was last updated.

Any changes to this Policy will become effective when the updated version is available on or through the Website.

E. How to contact us

Any further questions on how we use cookies and similar technologies on our Website? Do not hesitate to contact us by sending an email to, or by writing to us at the address mentioned in our Privacy Policy.